In "Aalmi Nasri Adab Aik Intikab 3 Vol," Ashar Najmi offers a comprehensive selection of global prose literature, spanning diverse cultures and epochs. The anthology presents a nuanced panorama of...
"After You" by Jojo Moyes continues the heartfelt journey of Louisa Clark, the beloved protagonist from "Me Before You." In this poignant novel, Moyes delves into the aftermath of Louisa's...
"An ABC of English Literature, 4th Edition" by Dr. Muhammad Mofizar Rahman is a quintessential guide for literature enthusiasts and students alike. This edition presents a comprehensive overview of English...
"An Introduction to Literary Studies" by Mario Klarer offers a comprehensive exploration of the foundational principles and methodologies of literary analysis. In this inaugural edition, Klarer guides readers through the...
"An Introduction to Literary Studies" by Mario Klarer offers an in-depth exploration of the fundamental principles and methodologies of literary analysis. In this second edition, Klarer provides updated insights and...
"I Kissed Shara Wheeler" by Casey McQuiston is a captivating novel that explores themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Set in a contemporary backdrop, the story follows the protagonist as...
"Introduction To Literature Semester" by Prof. Ghulam Yasin Qadir, part of the Topper Series, is tailored for students in the 3rd semester of ADA, ADS, and BS programs. This book...
"Literary Classics" by Prof. Gulzar Shahzad, part of the Topper Series, caters to students enrolled in AHUM 106 courses for ADA, ADS, and BS programs. This book offers a comprehensive...
"One Last Stop" by Casey McQuiston is a captivating novel that blends romance, humor, and a touch of magic. Set in the vibrant backdrop of New York City, the story...
"Red, White & Royal Blue" by Casey McQuiston is a captivating novel that intertwines romance, politics, and royalty. Set in a modern world where the son of the U.S. President...
The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK is a beautifully illustrated and accessible guide to the world’s most influential literary works, spanning centuries and genres. As part of...